One of my students is making a film set in Yosemite and I was reminded of this image I made some time ago. I was trying to explain to him about the amazing light in the Sierra Nevada. Best to just show it.
storm kings, new york /
New gallery is up!
Fang it /
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Puerto Rico, The Anvil /
The Jungle in Puerto Rico reminds me a lot of the bush in New Zealand, maybe its the tree ferns, maybe its the quiet opportunities for solitude.
Spending the remaining 45 mins contemplating the little hole in the airplane window.
water is worth loving /
Water is a notoriously difficult thing to make look real in visual effects. Some might even call the pursuit of photo real water the last frontier of computer graphics. My friend Chris used to be a digital fx supervisor at Weta and was heavily involved in CG water development. I remember he had this piece of paper stuck to the top of his monitor that said "water is worth loving". It was just regular text, something he had printed out. It looked pretty old, it was all crinkled and worn and had torn edges, like it had been ripped off and thrown in the bin on several occasions, only to be pulled out again, smoothed over and stuck back on his monitor. Water is a remarkable thing of ever changing beauty. Elusive, complex and wondrous. Despite its frustrations, it is indeed worth loving.